My name is Angelique Midthunder and I am a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. I am also a CrossFit certified Mobility Instructor & Olympic Weightlifting Instructor. I am a personal trainer exclusively for people working in the film industry. I do personal training for small groups and individuals in the (505) area code (pretty much Santa Fe & Albuquerque areas). I can train you at the gym, home, hotel, production office.. I'll even come to set. For more info and rates Email me at: AngeliqueMidthunder@gmail.com

What is CrossFit

What CrossFit is to me
People often ask me about CrossFit. What is it? Can I do it? 

What is it? Text book answer: Constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity. What does this mean? It means that several days a week I go into the gym or my garage and do really quick short fun work outs that are different every single day. fun? yes. FUN 
I get the workouts off the mainsite : www.CrossFit.com 
check it out

Can I (you) do it? YES. Everyone can do it. The work outs are scaled to each person's individual ability. For example one of the components in some of the work outs are box jumps. Say the WOD (workout of the day) calls for 50 box jumps. Here is how I would scale that. An elite athlete would do all 50 of the box jumps onto a high 30" box. Myself, I will do all 50 of them but onto a 24" box or tire. If you are pretty fit yet it's your first time I would probably have you do 25 jumps onto a 20" box or tire. If it has been awhile since you have worked out and want to ease into it or if you are rehabilitating from an injury then I will have you do 20 reps (instead of 50) to a 12" box and just step up rather than jump; or if you are much older and have not worked out in years you can step onto a 4" box just 10 times to get started. So yes, everyone & anyone can do CrossFit! 


If you are dissatisfied with spending several hours a week at your regular gym and not getting the results you want, rejoice. I guarantee you results with CrossFit and here is the good news: Most of the workouts are under 20 minutes. No joke. But it's not easy. For that 20 minutes you will work your a$$ off! That is why the results are so astounding, because of the INTENSITY of the workouts. (Long story short, working out really really hard for short periods of time triggers your metabolic engines, and releases hormones.. that causes muscle growth and fat to burn. It also triggers "happy" feelings hormones too :) It almost doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it with maximum intensity. That is where you will gain your results. I PROMISE YOU.

What is a workout like?

CrossFit typically has two basic formulas for their workouts. 
"Time Priorities" and "Task Priorities" 
Time priorities go like this: you are given a certain amount of time, as well as a task, and you do that task as many times as possible inside of that time frame. For example: there is a workout named "Cindy" where you do: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats. That is one round. You have 20 minutes to do as many rounds as possible. (side note: If you think you can't do pull ups I have news for you - you can. And I will prove it to you no matter who you are :)
Task Priority is like this: you are given a certain task. For example: there is a workout named "Jackie" where you: Row 1000 meters, do 50 Thrusters, then 30 Pull-ups. You do this as fast as possible. 
Then you write down how many rounds you got done for your "Cindy" workout or how long it took you to do the "Jackie" workout. The cool thing is that we come back to these workouts every month or two and you will be amazed to see that next time you do "Cindy" you get in another round. Or that you shaved 45 seconds off your "Jackie" time. We also lift weights and you will be pleased to discover that you can lift heavier weights and/or do more reps each time. This is a real measured, empirical way of tracking results and this is also why CrossFit became known as the "sport of fitness." You get hard evidence of your own results not only on the scale and in the mirror but you will see an improvement in your work capacity and efficiency. The beauty is that you don't have to compete against anyone else (unless you want to ;) but yourself. 

CrossFit has changed my life. It has given me physicality on a level I did not know I could attain: strength, stamina, speed, agility, and endurance.. I eat well, I sleep well, I get few headaches, and I feel way less stress than ever. I haven't been very sick in years. Of course it has made me a better stunt woman; but more importantly, it has made me feel younger, healthier, happier, and it has reminds me daily how to access my tenacity, perseverance, and inner strength. 

I hope you will GO FOR IT :)