My name is Angelique Midthunder and I am a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer. I am also a CrossFit certified Mobility Instructor & Olympic Weightlifting Instructor. I am a personal trainer exclusively for people working in the film industry. I do personal training for small groups and individuals in the (505) area code (pretty much Santa Fe & Albuquerque areas). I can train you at the gym, home, hotel, production office.. I'll even come to set. For more info and rates Email me at: AngeliqueMidthunder@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Days Are Better Than Others

I've been having a great week! I've hit several PR's (Personal Records)  this week... But today I had a crappy work out. The WOD (workout of the day) was:
15 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
15 pull ups and 30 second ring sits

My goal was to try to hit at least the first round all 15 pull ups consecutive.. As it turned out when I got on the bar I was apparently a lot heavier than I remembered and I was only able to do about 5 pull ups at a time and before the end of the first set of 15 I was only getting one pull up at a time. It took me almost 3 minutes to do 15 pull ups! I don't know why my performance felt so crummy today. I just didn't have the strength and energy level I needed. So for a minute I felt bummed about my performance, only getting 4 rounds in 15 minutes.. But at the end of the day the bottom line is that I still got in 15 minutes of hard work and I am healthier and stronger than I was 15 minutes ago and that's all that really matters :)